How to InstallFoodnerd POS Electron Built
To access foodnerd POS electron visit foodnerd POS free download page through your browser or visit → you’ll be redirected to Foodnerd POS download page.
- To download Foodnerd POS for your Android tap → Get it on Google play and then download it.
- To download Foodnerd POS on your iPhone or iPad tap → Available on App Store and then tap to download.
- To download Foodnerd POS on your windows computer tap→ window icon (blue button and download it to further proceed.
- To download Foodnerd POS on your Mac computer tap→ Apple icon (black button with apple icon) and download it to further proceed.
- In case of any queries press → Contact Support button and discuss all your queries there.
- Please see the below image to have a broad idea

How to useFoodnerd POS Electron Built
After installing the Foodnerd POS electron, the next thing is how to use it. In order to use its features to the fullest you must be required to login with your credentials. First, Open the Foodnerd Point of sale software installed in your server. Then,
- Enter → Email
- Enter → Password
- Tap → Login
- If you want to avoid the hassle of logging in every time then click on the “Remember me” box.
- If you want to change language, locate it on the top right corner, click on it to change language into Urdu, Arabic and English.
- Please see the image below

Foodnerd POS Electronfeatures
How to use location dashboard page features
There are different features that can be easily accessed. See the directions below:
- For data synchronisation tap→ sync icon. It will allow users to prevent thread interference and memory consistency errors.
- To view order tap→ All orders and users will be redirected to orders page where users can view incoming and inprogress orders.
- To manage settings tap→ settings and update it accordingly.
- To view notifications Press→ Bell icon and view all notifications from there.
- To view a page in full screen mode simply click on the full screen extension icon. Press the ESC button on your keyboard to return to the standard view.
- To view your profile click→ profile icon where user can view its profile, visit outbox where user can view the temporarily stored out-going orders. Lastly, users can also log out from here.
- Please see the below image for further information.

How to manage orders infoodnerd POS electron
To Reply an order Click→ Reply Button and send order complete duration information.
- To reject any order tap→ Reject option located on the right of reply button and then press confirm.
- In order to generate receipt click→ receipt, different options will appear such as print receipt, single print, delta print and break print. Choose the option according to the requirements.
- Users can also view the type of order whether it is eat in, take away or delivery.
- Thoroughly analyze the below image to understand the functionality regarding your incoming and in-progress orders.

- You can also view completed and in-progress orders. Hover your mouse on the page’s header where you can locate different options such as Menu, Orders, New Orders, Completed Orders, Invoices language, and settings. Click→ New Order to view any latest order, tap on→ Completed orders to view records of all completed orders.
- You also have different payment options such as Cash and Credit card. To update payment settings, choose the payment method according to your customer choice.

- You also have different payment options such as Cash and Credit card choose the payment method according to your customer choice. Additionally users can also put cash in and cash out amounts.
How to create a new order inFoodnerd electron POS
- In order to create a new order click→ ‘New order’ and the user will be redirected to create a new order page. Where user can easily create a new order and note down all the related information.
- Tap→ Submit to select the type of receipt. There are different options available such as single print, delta print, break print, submit only. Choose the option according to the requirements.
- Click→ select customer option a window will pop-up add all the required information. If the customer already exist in your database you can easily choose from list that will appear.
- Select the customer preferences regarding their order such as Eat in Take away and delivery accordingly
- To choose the order delivery method click→ POS button and choose the method such as food panda or cheetah as per the requirements.
- In order to add discount tap→ discount and enter the required amount or percentage.In order to mention additional notes related to order tap→ Order notes and enter notes and then press save.
- To proceed payment through credit card tap→ CC Charges and add the required information.

How to manage settings inFoodnerd Electron POS?
To manage the settings in Foodnerd restaurant POS tap on the settings options located on the header and the user will be redirected to settings page where multiple options will appear related to printer, cash drawer, build version and clear cache.
- To manage the printer settings click on the printer settings and under it three different options will appear such as Choose printer type, thermal printer IP address and port and choose paper type roll click on these options and manage the settings accordingly .
- In order to manage the cash drawer settings click→ cash drawer and then manage it as per your requirements.
- To view build version click→ build version and you’ll be able to view the build version.
- In order to delete the cache memory click → clear cache.

To manage advanced POS settings visit Foodnerd manager side and manage settings accordingly for instance user an perform various settings such as
- Download the latest version of Foodnerd POS build.
- Add menu
- Change the build colour scheme etc.