Kitchen Display System: How Does a Kitchen Display System Work?
  • Nubaira Ahmer khan"
  • 2022/06/28

The kitchen display system is crucial in optimizing workflow, food quality, and service speed. It is a straightforward solution that can be easily installed in a restaurant kitchen and add more value to restaurant management. It is the digital screen that efficiently manages the customer order for restaurants. If you are wondering how a kitchen display system for a restaurant can benefit your business, you are at the right place because, in this blog, we have explored why you need KDS in your restaurant. 

What Is A KDS?

KDS stands for “Kitchen Display System.” It is a digital order viewer that replaces paper tickets with advanced technology. It is usually present in restaurants for monitoring restaurant data. You often see this technology in progressive restaurants with big monitor screens on their multiple walls, touch pads, and different devices that perform various functionalities such as displaying deals and restaurant menus, accepting and organizing orders, etc. All the operations carried out on these screens in restaurants are done with the help of a kitchen display system. 

The Function Of Kitchen Display Systems In Restaurants

Having an efficient kitchen display system is an ultimate benefit for busy restaurants. It uses predefined cooking timings in order to equally divide the time for preparing a specific order with multiple dishes. The KDS prioritizes the preparation tasks. It is an automated solution that keeps the kitchen staff alert about their work requirements. No doubt, the Kitchen Display System is the best technology for the busiest restaurant kitchens as it elevates the standard of your restaurant by replacing the need for paper order tickets with digital tickets and helps restaurants organize, prioritize, track, and fulfill the customer orders with its easy to implement the functionality.    


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Benefits Of KDS

Undoubtedly, the Kitchen Display System does more than just eliminate the need for paper in restaurants. As it retains an all-in-one functionality that fulfills different restaurants' needs and it provides measurable benefits to restaurants. If you are wondering How Kitchen Display systems for restaurants can benefit you, then consider the points mentioned below:

Course Management 

The KDS plays a significant role in meal coursing. KDS makes sure to provide complete order information at one time so that customers receive the whole course at one time. Hence KDS is the best technology for the busiest restaurant kitchens.

Menu Management 

The staff can easily group menu items under one meal and relate it with inventory so that whenever the kitchen gets out of products, it automatically alerts the restaurant staff to refill the needed ingredients. 

Efficiently Manage Time

The KDS's best benefit for business restaurants is that it efficiently manages the time. If a top order takes 10 minutes while the other one takes 20 minutes, it manages the timings of different orders in such a way that both orders serve to customers hot and fresh. Thus, it ensures that the order served to the customer is at the right time and temperature. 


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Recipe Management 

The KDS efficiently manages the recipe and always ensures that no product will be wasted. At the same time, it helps managers to manage the recipes from a single location. Similarly, users can easily add the ingredients and required quantity needed to make a meal. At the same time, they can include nutritional information, allergy information, and many other tiny details.

Automated Alerts 

The KDS retains an automated ability to send messages to customers whenever their orders are completed and keep them informed whenever their orders are ready to take away or for pick up. At the same time, it keeps the staff informed about orders from specific tables. This helps the restaurant smooth the flow of its operations. 

Best Kitchen Display System 

Foodnerd's cloud-based technology retains an integrated Kitchen Display System that works simultaneously and provides an outstanding restaurant management experience. It is an ideal solution for restaurant operators looking for remote management of their restaurant operations. The kitchen Display System immediately displays the order rang through Foodnerd POS, and it promises satisfactory customer services with unique functions. The Foodnerd POS efficiently manages the front-of-the-house operations while its integrated Kitchen Display Management solution takes care of the back of the house. 


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