5 Restaurant Trends That May Not Survive in 2023
  • Nubaira Ahmer khan"
  • 2022/12/28

Do you know that as fast as time is moving, the trends in business marketing and ways of doing business are transforming? The things that customers aggressively demanded in 2020 are no longer needed because, in 2023, the expected demands of customers will change. 

Similarly, technology is changing with the passage of time; whereas previously on-premises point-of-sale software was used, there are now top-of-the-line cloud-based POS softwares available. 

Learn more about point of sale software by reading What Is A Point of Sale (POS) Software Technology?

In order to shed light on the important trends for restaurants in 2023 to consider, we have filtered out the most important trends that may not survive in 2023. Therefore, it is important to design all your new years strategies accordingly.

Things That May Not Survive In 2023

Without a doubt, some marketing trends last forever, and there are many advertisements that customers remember throughout their lives and deeply imprint in their minds. At the same time, there are some trends that seem highly irrelevant and will have no scope in 2023 and beyond. Below we have highlighted the 5 restaurant marketing trends that will not survive in 2023. 

Celebrity Endorsement 

Celebrity endorsement is very trendy in marketing strategy these days, and it is quite noticeable that whenever any entrepreneur starts their business, they immediately hire any celebrity for their marketing, and customers start trusting the authenticity after watching influencers. 

However, now that the customers are more educated and aware of all the fake or authentic marketing strategies, they prioritize their personal experience more as compared to any influencer suggestion. 

At the same time, if the quality of any brand or service is not good, they immediately spread awareness over social media and among their peers. This jeopardizes the celebrity’s authenticity as well; the biggest example is Kim Kardashian's “Fake Chewing”viral video. 

That is why the celebrity endorsement strategy will be the biggest marketing trend that will have no impact in 2023 and beyond. while the restaurant that uses this trend will only waste their money and time on it.  


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Fake Reviews And Followers 

Building trust is getting harder than before. Now that there are many paid businesses that provide fake followers and reviews in exchange for money, this is only increasing customers' trust issues. 

According to the study, 44% of people no longer trust followers and reviews, and the majority of these people are from Generation Z. This shows that, in comparison to reviews or endorsements, the Gen Z or millennial generation has a larger collective voice. 

Therefore, if you want your restaurant to remain open in 2023 and beyond, it is essential to win the customer's trust through sincere and committed efforts. In the trends of 2023, authenticity and quality speak louder than anything else.

As a result, concentrate more on the common people, make everything real, and watch how quickly you can gain a competitive edge in the difficult restaurant business sector. Last but not least, 56% of the brands that spent money on phony followers or reviews saw their money go to waste. 


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Long Advertisements Videos And Heavily Filtered Images

The minimum expected video length is almost ten minutes, but did you know that audiences are still bored after three minutes of advertisements? In contrast to lengthy videos, audiences now favor real stories and real experiences more. 

The longest video, or a Vlog lasting longer than 10 minutes, is the biggest trend that might not catch on in 2023. Audiences place a higher value on creativity and quality than they do on lengthy, in-depth videos, which only serve to lose their attention. 

In contrast to long videos that have a very low audience engagement rate, quick releases or short videos showed greater customer engagements, as evidenced by extensive empirical research 

Similar to heavily filtered images, they appear to lose their impact and are no longer necessary in 2023. As a result, it is crucial to adopt the newest trends in photography and videography rather than sticking with the same approach time and time again.


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Manual Operations

Manual operations involve the old ways of conducting restaurant operations that involve little to no technology. People today prioritize convenience above all else; they dislike frequently purchasing food online. That is why if the restaurateurs think that only having an online presence is enough, they are wrong. 

The new Gen Z demands are very versatile. They like technology and attractive ways; sometimes they prefer ordering online while other times they prefer to hang out, with contactless services such as making transactions through online ordering and making orders on self-service kiosks or through QR scanning instead of giving orders to staff. 

Gone are the days when people preferred staff; now robots and the latest technology have replaced everything and made things faster and more interesting. Similarly, payment via cash will also lose its importance sooner or later from 2023 on because customers prefer online transactions as compared to cash.


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Irrelevant Marketing 

The marketing that 60% of marketers are currently doing is irrelevant marketing. They simply post the content on any social media site without regard for demographics, people's interests, or anything else, and they post.

Most people use social media and metaverse tools for marketing, and while the metaverse appears to be a very interesting tool to consider for marketing, it will soon lose its importance because people use social media for fun and are annoyed by irrelevant ads that pop up.

It is to be noted that irrelevant marketing and personalization strategies only push customers away, and they resist buying your products and services. As a result, keep an eye on the likelihood of delivering your package. 

As most of the customers just get irritated by the marketing, they do anything to get rid of the advertisement, such as blocking advertisements, deleting them, archiving them, or even reporting the advertisement as spam, and this in turn disturbs the reputation of the brand. 

Thus, irrelevant marketing strategies that result in forced advertising will be the biggest marketing failure trend that will not survive in 2023. as irrelevant marketing only burdens customers and never catches their interest or attention.


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